Michael V. Mints, D.Sc.
Head of Laboratory of the Early Precambrian tectonics.
Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Science.

My major area
of active research is the study of the Early Precambrian: problems of Early Precambrian plate tectonic evolution, the significance and geodynamic settings of high-grade metamorphism, granite origin, relationships of granite and granulite complexes. My field of interests and occupation includes also deep structure of the crust: geological interpretation of geophysical data and 3-dimensional modeling, deep crustal structure.

This time I am especially interested in:
Early Precambrian tectonics, geodynamics and metallogeny; thermal structure of the granulite crustal sections and geodynamic settings of granulite metamorphism, deep crustal structure of the Early Precambrian cratons.

Moscow State University, geologist-geochemist, 1961.
Candidate of Sciences - PhD., Geology-Mineralogy, Moscow State University, 1972.
Doctor of Sciences - D.Sc., Geology-Mineralogy, Geological Institute of Russian Ac. Sci., Moscow, 1993.

1961 to 1985 - geological expeditions of the Ministry of Geology of the FSU.
I headed geological parties (divisions) compiling 1:50'000 - 1:200'000 maps of different regions of the former USSR scales such as Central Kazakstan, the Aldanian Shield, the Northeastern Asia paleovolcanic belt, the Kola Peninsula.

Central Kazakstan, 1962

Karaganda town
Kazakstan, 1963

Aldanian Shield, 1965

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