  1995-present - Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (GIN RAS), Moscow. Presently: Head of the Laboratory of the Early Precambrian tectonics: Problems of TTG origin, thermal structure of the granulite crustal sections, geodynamic settings of granulite metamorphism, tectonics, geodynamics and metallogeny of the Early Precambrian, deep structure of the crust and lithosphere.

1994, 1995 and 1996 Spring semesters - visiting professor at Moscow State University (Petrology Chair, Geological Faculty). My teaching responsibility was Early Precambrian magmatism and related problems of tectonics and metamorphism.

Honors and awards:
1983 Excellent Prospector, the Ministry of Geology
1991 Granted by International Science Foundation

Papers in reviewed journals and books: 85, the whole list (books, abstracts & proceedings of the Sci. Conferences): 150.

Kola Peninsula, Murmansk unit,
helicopter at geological mapping, 1975

Kola Peninsula, Voronia river, 1977

Northwestern Kola Peninsula,
Central-Kola granulite belt, 1982


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